Your digital gadgets are one of the most private things in your life. A long time ago, these gadgets were only used for minor things such as messages, calls, and entertainment. But, now, even important business meetings are being held through the use of these digital gadgets. People are storing personal stuff in them, and this is how the digital era has taken over the best part of our lives. We are worried about our privacy all the time. If we lose a phone, we won’t be able to sleep because of the information that is being stored there. That’s why you cannot afford to have a spy app installed on your phone.
The use of spy apps has become common, but there are some obvious reasons for using and it should be limited to those uses only. The use of Android spy app has become common for uses such as spying on your kid to make sure he/she is safe, keeping an eye on the employees and things going on in your company to keep it safe, or taking care of an elder person. But, now hackers and enemies are using spy apps to get into the gadgets and extract personal information to harm them. That’s why you need to learn how to remove spy app from Android phone to get rid of the apps that might be putting you to harm.
Spies usually record the activities of their subject, which might include phone calls, video calls, messages, online activities, and a lot more. They can also track your browsing history and know your location and much more. These types of apps are usually installed by jealous partners, enemies, or someone who intends to harm you. It can also be used for blackmailing, extortion, and as a tool for violence. Overall, using spy apps is a serious violation of privacy if done for the wrong purposes.
There are different ways in which spy apps can enter your smartphone and harm you. Here are some of the ways that you need to know about:
If you are receiving phishing emails or SMS, you might invite a spy app by clicking on it. These emails or SMS might come from the criminals personating a business person or victim, trying to get your attention. Once you click on the details of the SMS, it can welcome a spying app into your gadget.
If you start using the internet and explorers, you will see plenty of ads everywhere wanting you to click on them. These ads might seem attractive and very good, but once you click on them, spyware can enter your gadget thus ruining your privacy.
This happens when someone has direct access to your smartphone or digital gadgets. They can grab your phone and install the app into your phone. And, since most of the apps allow you to remove the icon from the main menu, you won’t even know that there is something extra installed in your phone. This is very dangerous since your activities will be exposed to the other person.
Spy apps for Android are becoming too common and unfortunately, all Android phones and tablets are prone to such apps and it is not difficult to get into these devices. Android phone can get any type of malware and you need to check in from time to time if there is something unusual in your phone.
If your battery is drained more quickly, your apps are removed or installed automatically, your phone takes more time to restart, then you need to check for the malware in your phone. Here are a few things you can do to remove spy apps from your phone:
You can manually remove the spy app by rebooting your phone to safe mode. When your phone gets on the safe mode, it prevents all the running third-party apps from running, and you will know this way which apps are running behind your back. If it is a spying app, you can remove it manually then.
If you are unable to find the app and remove it manually, you can always factory reset your phone. Save all the necessary information that you need, and then factory reset your phone. It will delete every app from your phone including the malware that might be installed in your phone by a spy. Make sure that you have a backup for all the important data in your phone before you do this. But it is a sure way of getting rid of all the apps including the spy apps.
Spy apps can be a real pain if you don’t know for what purpose they are in your phone. You might have very important files, photos, and documents in your phone that might be leaked due to the spy apps. So, you need to make sure that you are not on the verge of losing your privacy due to such apps.
There are plenty of reasons that might lead to the use of spying apps and knowing how to hack Android phone remotely. First, you need to be acquainted with the use of such apps because they are so common these days. Also, when you need to take care of your kids, older people, or even want to beware of the viruses and hacks attacking your company, you might need to get help from such apps.
Spying apps should only be used when it is justified. One shouldn’t be using such apps to violate someone’s privacy for hurting them. If you are hurting someone, using their data for the wrong purposes, it falls under the category of cybercrime. So, be careful with the use of such apps.